In a previous post we went through how plugins work in containerd. Typically extending containerd with plugins requires compiling containerd with the new plugin imported. Proxy plugins allow taking advantage of containerd’s stable API to configure a plugin which proxies through rpc to another running process. This is easy in containerd since the same interface is used on the client side as the server side, in the proxy case the server is just using a client instance of an interface.
Service Interfaces
Most of the core services containerd define both a Go interface and a protobuf service compiled to grpc and ttrpc. In the containerd daemon, there is at least one implementation of every service and a translation from the registered rpc service to the local implementation. We also have a proxy implementation of each Go interface which translates and calls the rpc service. This makes it very easy to share the same logic within the client and server as well as move implementations between them.
We can look at the Snapshotter
interface as an example. The Go interface is relatively simple since most functions operate on a
single key and immediately return a value. Any longer lived filesystem operations are deferred
to the mounts.
type Snapshotter interface {
Stat(ctx context.Context, key string) (Info, error)
Update(ctx context.Context, info Info, fieldpaths ...string) (Info, error)
Usage(ctx context.Context, key string) (Usage, error)
Mounts(ctx context.Context, key string) ([]mount.Mount, error)
Prepare(ctx context.Context, key, parent string, opts ...Opt) ([]mount.Mount, error)
View(ctx context.Context, key, parent string, opts ...Opt) ([]mount.Mount, error)
Commit(ctx context.Context, name, key string, opts ...Opt) error
Remove(ctx context.Context, key string) error
Walk(ctx context.Context, fn WalkFunc, filters ...string) error
Close() error
The protobuf definition is very similar. There are slight differences between List and Walk, as one is implemented as a stream and the other as a callback. However, these differences just reflect the best definition for the context and is easily translated between go and rpc.
service Snapshots {
rpc Prepare(PrepareSnapshotRequest) returns (PrepareSnapshotResponse);
rpc View(ViewSnapshotRequest) returns (ViewSnapshotResponse);
rpc Mounts(MountsRequest) returns (MountsResponse);
rpc Commit(CommitSnapshotRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
rpc Remove(RemoveSnapshotRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
rpc Stat(StatSnapshotRequest) returns (StatSnapshotResponse);
rpc Update(UpdateSnapshotRequest) returns (UpdateSnapshotResponse);
rpc List(ListSnapshotsRequest) returns (stream ListSnapshotsResponse);
rpc Usage(UsageRequest) returns (UsageResponse);
rpc Cleanup(CleanupRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
Note that there is also a Cleanup
function defined in the protobuf that doesn’t exist in the Go
interface, however, it does exist as separate snapshots.Cleaner
interface. This is an interface that was added later to allow garbage collecting to be more efficient,
but it is optional. This is relevant for proxy plugins since plugins will always serve the entire
rpc interface, even if some functionality is not implemented. We also respect a Not Implemented
everywhere that we use interfaces to check for functionality. Proxy plugins can return a grpc
Not Implemented
error and it will be handled correctly.
How to create one
The containerd daemon will handle proxying to a grpc address, all you have to do to create a proxy
plugin is to listen on a socket with a grpc service. We have Go interface service to grpc service
conversion functions in our contrib
directory today for the diff service
and snapshots service
These are the two most popular services to build proxy plugins for.
The following is a complete example of a proxy snapshotter, running the overlay snapshotter. Simply create the snapshotter, register the grpc service, and run the grpc server.
package main
import (
snapshotsapi ""
var root = flag.String("root", "/var/lib/mysnapshotter", "Snapshotter root directory")
var path = flag.String("path", "/tmp/snapshot.sock", "Socket path to listen on")
func main() {
s := grpc.NewServer()
sn, err := overlay.NewSnapshotter(*root)
if err != nil {
snapshotsapi.RegisterSnapshotsServer(s, snapshotservice.FromSnapshotter(sn))
l, err := sys.GetLocalListener(*path, os.Getuid(), os.Getgid())
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to listen on %s: %v", *path, err)
defer l.Close()
if err := s.Serve(l); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("serve GRPC: %v", err)
How to Register
Add to the proxy_plugins
section of the containerd config to configure the plugin. The currently
supported types are “snapshot”, “content”, “sandbox”, and “diff”. Pick a name for the plugin then
update any other section of the containerd config to use your plugin. If you register a content
snapshotter, you will need to disable the built-in one, only one content store is currently
supported in containerd.
Here is a config example adding a snapshotter, like in the previous example.
type = "snapshot"
address = "/tmp/snapshot.sock"
Then restart containerd and check to ensure the plugin loaded successfully.
$ ctr plugins ls type==io.containerd.snapshotter.v1
io.containerd.snapshotter.v1 blockfile linux/amd64 ok
io.containerd.snapshotter.v1 btrfs linux/amd64 ok
io.containerd.snapshotter.v1 devmapper linux/amd64 skip
io.containerd.snapshotter.v1 native linux/amd64 ok
io.containerd.snapshotter.v1 overlayfs linux/amd64 ok
io.containerd.snapshotter.v1 zfs linux/amd64 skip
io.containerd.snapshotter.v1 mysnapshotter linux/amd64 ok
Proxy plugins are great for experimentation or when you want your plugin lifecycle to be separate from the containerd daemon. Check out the proxy plugin documentation.